Wilderness Volunteers Helping At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

Phil and I had commented to each other a few days ago how overgrown the bushes and vines at Fort Hill had become. In many places you could not  see the marsh or ocean, which you could easily see in past years. (Click on blog link to see additional photos.)
And then Monday as we were walking at Fort Hill we came across a group of people who were clearing a lot of the overgrown bushes and vines away. It was starting to look awesome again!

We stopped and commented to them how nice it was to be able to see the views again and asked who they were. They said they were from a group called the Wilderness Volunteers who came to help out. We saw about 8-10 of them who were from all over the country. Some of the states  they mentioned were Colorado, Arizona, Minnesota and Washington. Wow! They were from pretty far away!

I did a little research on the Wilderness Volunteers and learned that:
“Our mission is providing opportunities for everyone to participate in the hands-on stewardship of public lands. Working in cooperation with the National Forest and Park Service, the BLM and the US Fish & Wildlife Agency, you’ll be inspired and invigorated when you see how much a group can accomplish in a few days.”

Thank you, Wilderness Volunteers here on Cape Cod. You are already making a huge difference and we all thank you for your dedication and hard work.

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