I happened to look out the window the other day when it was just about dusk and saw these two Doves in my bird bath. The lighting on one of them was just beautiful.
By the time I ran into the other room to show Phil, the sun had gone down.
Pretty photograph, don’t you think? It was really cool to see them there with the snow all around the rim. We have a heater in there so the birds can get a drink or take a bath all through the winter!
I was just finishing a little hike at Fort Hill which overlooks Nauset Marsh when I saw this seagull posing on the fence post with Nauset Marsh and the Coast Guard Station in the background. He stayed there for quite a while, changing his pose periodically.
I couldn’t decide which one I liked better… the one where he is looking straight at me (which is the first one I took) or the one that shows his silhouette.
These two Northern Flickers, part of the woodpecker family, were foraging in the leaves around our yard, looking for some food. I loved how I could get a photograph of the two of them… one so you can see its front and the other so you can see its back. Their markings are amazing.
In this second photograph you can really see its underside which is so pretty and almost looks like down. Look at those black dots on its feathers. Just beautiful…
There is a pair of Common Eiders on Boat Meadow Creek in Eastham on Cape Cod. I’ve seen them recently from the bridge on Bridge Road.
The Common Eider is a large duck, from 23-27″ and usually lives along the coastline in all seasons. It feeds primarily underwater on mollusks by up-ending or swimming with only its head submerged.
It was pretty cool to see these Common Eiders as I’ve only seen them a couple of times before. Look at the difference in coloring from the male to the female. Have you ever seen one?
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.