Coast Guard Station In Eastham Before The Storm On Cape Cod.

It was such a pretty day to take a walk on the beach with the storm coming in later that day. The clouds were amazing!

I loved this photograph of Coast Guard Station with the dark sky and ominous-looking clouds.

What do you think?

The Bluebirds Are Checking Out The Birdhouse By Our Bedroom Window On Cape Cod.

The Bluebirds having been flying in and out of the birdhouse right by our bedroom window the past couple of days. How cool is that! Last year we had two Bluebird families that made nests and then had their young there. It was so much fun to watch! The babies were adorable!

Keeping our fingers crossed that they move in and give us another treat this year!

Solitude On Nauset Beach In Orleans On Cape Cod.

Sunday was absolutely gorgeous here on Cape Cod… sunny with the temps in the high 40s with a little wind. Perfect day for a  walk on Nauset Beach.

There were a lot of people on the beach near the parking lot, but once you got a little ways away, you had the beach to yourself.

Gorgeous, don’t you think?



The Whitetail Deer Are Loving Our Bird Feeders On Cape Cod!

Our motion detector lights went on last night and there were two beautiful Whitetail deer meandering through our yard. Such a sight to see wildlife so close by.

Then, this morning about 7:30 AM Phil yelled, “Come see this!” There in the backyard were the 2 Whitetail deer munching from our bird feeders, one at each feeder. At first we thought, “How cute.” After about 10 minutes of watching them inhale about 5″ of the bird seed out of each feeder we thought “This is cute, but we are going to go broke as those are shelled sunflower seeds they are inhaling!”

Priceless, don’t you think?

Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.