Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Pretty Purple Ground Ivy Along The Trails At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

Ground Ivy is part of the mint family and grows to about 6″ tall with 3/4″ blue-violet flowers which are tubular. They grow from April to June and you can see them all along the trails at Fort Hill in Eastham.

Pretty Eastern Tailed Blue Butterfly At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

I saw this pretty little Eastern Tailed Blue Butterfly while we were hiking at Fort Hill the other day. It  is a small blue butterfly with a wingspan of 3/4-1″.  Above it is blue with a darker border and underneath it is gray with black spots and a little orange patch.

So pretty and delicate, don’t you think? Have you ever seen one?

Great Crested Flycatcher In Our Backyard On Cape Cod

It was very cool when I got my binoculars and saw this Great Crested Flycatcher sitting on a branch in our backyard. I kept hearing this very distinct bird call for a couple of days but didn’t know what it was and knew I hadn’t heard it before.

I ran in and got my camera while Phil watched it in the tree. When I looked it up in my bird book it said that it is often heard more often than it is seen and that it stays fairly high in the trees.

I loved the little crest of fluff on top of its head. Have you ever seen a Great Crested Flycatcher?