Welcome To Provincetown On Cape Cod!

This is such a pretty view of the Pilgrim Monument in Provincetown from the pier downtown. The Pilgrim Monument was built to honor the Pilgrims’ first landing in Provincetown in 1620. President Theodore Roosevelt laid the cornerstone of this 252 foot tower in 1907.

Besides being able to walk up to the tower and see for miles, there is a museum on the ground floor that is very interesting and educational.

Commercial Street, the main street in downtown Provincetown, is a wonderful place to shop and walk around and get a real feel for this unique New England town.

Have you ever been to Provincetown?


One thought on “Welcome To Provincetown On Cape Cod!”

  1. In the early 1950s my parents and I vacationed on Cape Cod and climbed to the top of this monument. I know that somewhere in my house is a black and white photo of us three posed in front of the bas relief at the base of this monument. Good times! 🙂

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