Low Tide Reflection On Cape Cod Bay.

The tides get really low in Cape Cod Bay , with so many boats on the sand. I loved the reflection of this sailboat at Boat Meadow Beach. Such pretty colors… don’t you think?

PS I rode by Boat Meadow Beach this morning and it looks like the mast fell down. Very strange. I wonder what happened…


Beautiful Little Wood Satyr Butterfly On Cape Cod!

I hadn’t seen a Little Wood Satyr butterfly in a couple of years and this one was stunning. It  landed on a leaf on the side of the Doane Rock Trail to Coast Guard Beach.

The Little Wood Satyr butterfly lives on woodland edges as well as salt marshes, which explains why we saw it there on that trail.

Gorgeous, isn’t it? I love its markings…

Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.