Learning “Car Photography” Of Wild Bluebells On Cape Cod.

I went on my first trip since before COVID 3 years ago to see my my son and my brother who both live in CA. It was a glorious trip  and so much fun to see them both in their new homes. My son and I love to hike, so we took many hikes up in the mountains. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

All was good until I slipped on some loose rocks and broke my leg on one of the trails. Ugh! Thus… I have been learning a bit about “car photography,” seeing that I can’t walk very well for a while.

I remembered seeing these Wild Bluebell wildflowers in years past, so I figured that would be my first attempt at photographing from my car. Beautiful little wildflowers that come in shades of blue, purple, white and pink. Have you ever seen a Wild Bluebell?


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