Tag Archives: Cape Cod Wildflowers

Mouse-Eared Hawkweed Was Still Blooming In My Yard Last Week On Cape Cod.

I couldn’t believe that I was still picking enough wildflowers in my yard last week to put in vases and enjoy inside. Usually we have our first frost way before this time, but it’s been a mild fall until the deep freeze a few days ago. I quickly picked all of my remaining flowers and buds, hoping they will pop while inside in the warm temps.

Pretty, don’t you think?

Butter And Eggs Wildflowers Are Late Bloomers On Cape Cod.

Butter and Eggs are two-toned yellow and orange irregular shaped flowers with spurs. They look just like a garden Snapdragon. They grow from July through September but I saw this one blooming at the beginning of November by the side of the road at Boat Meadow Beach.

Pretty, don’t you think? Have you ever seen a Butter & Eggs wildflower?

The Blue Chicory Wildflowers Are Still Blooming On Cape Cod!

I can’t believe there are so many wildflowers blooming here on Cape Cod at the beginning of November. We have not had a freeze yet, so maybe they are getting a 2nd lease on life! I saw many of these pretty lavender-blue Chicory wildflowers along the trails at Fort Hill.

Exquisite, don’t you think? Love the delicate pistils and stamens. Such a treat to still see such pretty colors along the trails.

Bush Katydid Still Enjoying My Hydrangea On Cape Cod.

I still have a few Hydrangea that are blooming and beautiful! I went out to take a photograph of the flower the other day when I noticed a large green insect on top of it. After a little research, I learned it was a Bush Katydid. I was so surprised that they were still around this time of the year.

Pretty cool, don’t you think?