Box Turtle Saved By The Leaf-Blower On Cape Cod!

Yesterday Phil was out blowing the leaves off of our road when he came across  this beautiful Box Turtle in a pile of leaves right in the middle of the road. He didn’t even see it until the leaves were just about blown to the side.  And there he was. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

Thank goodness Phil was there at “just the right time”as a car might have driven right over it. This little guy was definitely saved by the leaf-blower. He was such a beautiful Box Turtle who blended right in with the leaves.

2 thoughts on “Box Turtle Saved By The Leaf-Blower On Cape Cod!”

  1. This is great!! I’ve been trying to get a “turtle crossing” sign on Rt. 28 in Yarmouth by Mill Pond. So many crushed box, snapping and painted turtles there. Can anyone help?

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