Tag Archives: Cape Cod Wildlife

Coyote, Scoping Out The Area, At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

We frequently see coyotes at Fort Hill, searching about for a meal or just laying down basking in the sun. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

It was a quiet morning when we saw this coyote traverse the entire field and then stop in front of us to look out onto Nauset Marsh, as if scoping out the area for his next meal.

I thought they were just beautiful photos. What do you think?

Beech Forest Trail In Provincetown On Cape Cod.

The Beech Forest Trail in Provincetown is so diverse. You never know what birds or animals or wildflowers you might see as you hike on the trail over the boardwalks or up the steps. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

It’s always been one of my favorite hikes… no matter what time of the year.

Have you ever hiked the Beech Forest Trail?