Tag Archives: Cape Cod Birding

Bluebirds Still In Our Bluebird House On Cape Cod

When do Bluebirds leave their birdhouses for good?  Is it when they fledge?

I keep seeing this little Bluebird sticking its head out of the hole looking around. I’m not sure if there are other little ones in there too. And maybe this is a different one each time. I think they fledged a couple of weeks ago.

So I wondered if Bluebirds go back to their bird house at night  after they have fledged? And for how long? Does anyone know the answers to these questions? Everything that I have read says that Bluebirds do not go back to their nest or birdhouse once they have fledged.

A dilemma for sure… Hmmm…

“Bobwhite In Flight” At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

I was at Fort Hill looking for some butterflies and wildflowers when I saw these two birds come out from the woods onto the trail. It was a good thing I had my camera out and ready because I only got one shot and this is it.

There used to be many Bobwhites in the state but they have dwindled over the years. There are still at least two at Fort Hill!

Pretty cool, don’t you think?