Category Archives: Cape Cod Birding

Morris Island Loop Trail In Chatham On Cape Cod.

We hiked the Morris Island Loop Trail for the first time in years… since  South Beach washed away and Morris Island became exposed to the ocean. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

The hike now starts down the road where you take a “right of way” to the beginning of the trail. You can only hike the trail when it is not high tide as the beach is totally covered at high tide and you can’t get by.

While still a pretty hike, it does not have the same ambiance as walking down those high wooden stairs  looking out toward Monomoy Island and onto the beach. Mother Nature definitely does what she wants to…

The Welcoming Committee At First Encounter Beach On Cape Cod.

Every time I bike to First Encounter Beach, there is at least one Willet yakking away on the First Encounter sign. I always think of them as the Welcoming Committee! (Click on blog link for other photo.)

If you drive further down the road, you can see Willets on all on the fence posts along the road. Have you seen them there?

Cute, Little Chickadee Chick Waiting For Mom On Cape Cod.

It has been so much fun this spring watching the birds in our birdhouses bring up their little chicks. We have one family of Chickadees right outside our bedroom window. The little ones are just adorable!

This little guy was waiting patiently for mom to bring him some breakfast. Love that little tuft of feathers on top of his head! So cute!