Four Rare Whimbrels At Boat Meadow Beach On Cape Cod.

Yesterday was one of those days where, if you want to get out and take a walk, you do it between raindrops. Well, the rain had stopped and the sky didn’t look too dark so I thought I’d walk over to Boat Meadow Beach. Was I in for a big surprise! (Click on blog link for other photos.)

As I walked out the door, I turned around to get my camera and a plastic bag in case it started raining. I was so glad that I grabbed my camera as I saw 4 Whimbrels feeding by the water’s edge. They were just beautiful.

I’ve only see them once before here on Cape Cod at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary a few years ago, so this was a big treat! It is rare to see them on the Cape,  especially four of them together.

They are easily identified by their black and white-striped crown and long “decurved” bill. Have you ever seen a Whimbrel? It certainly made my day!
#birding #eastham #boatmeadowbeach

One thought on “Four Rare Whimbrels At Boat Meadow Beach On Cape Cod.”

  1. From
    Shore Birds by Juliane McAdam

    “…“Let’s start here,” she says. “What would you call
    that bird?” I answer that I’ve always called it a
    sandpiper. “That’s like saying someone in the U.S. is
    named Smith,” she replies. “It’s a long-billed curlew.”
    And we’re off. Excitedly, I write down names in my
    notebook: Whimbrel, Marbled Godwit, Willet, Sanderling…

    …It’s only a start, but from now on everyone named Smith
    will have at least a first and middle name. ”

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