Beautiful Great Blue Heron At Kent Point On Cape Cod.

You never know what you will see when you’re at Kent Point in Orleans. Today we were treated to this gorgeous Great Blue Heron fishing among the tall grass by the bay. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

As it flew away,  Phil and I each got one photograph of it flying… his is solo in the sky where mine is with the sailboat in the background.

Such an elegant bird… definitely my favorite!

3 thoughts on “Beautiful Great Blue Heron At Kent Point On Cape Cod.”

  1. Those wings!
    We were recently standing on a small bridge overlooking a brook when a heron came sailing UNDER the bridge and landed in the water below us. What a sight!

  2. As we sit on the cliffs searching the ocean for whales, a great blue heron will sometimes land nearby and stay for hours, patiently waiting for the opportunity to snag a gopher for a meal. Absolutely an incredibly skilled and beautiful bird!

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