The Baltimore Orioles Are Back On Cape Cod!

The grape jelly is out and the sisal twine is cut and on the ground as we anticipated the arrival of the Baltimore Orioles. And then yesterday, we saw a flash of orange up in the top of the tree and we knew they were back. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

It’s so exciting to watch these magnificent birds come and eat at the feeders and gather twine to weave their intricate nests. We were lucky a couple of years ago as they made their nest high in a tree right in our back yard. Will we be that lucky again this year? It will be so much  fun watching them all summer long. Such a  treat!

2 thoughts on “The Baltimore Orioles Are Back On Cape Cod!”

  1. Baltimore orioles are such stunning birds!!
    I love your beautiful photos as well as the lovely poem provided by Linda! Thanks so much!

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