Tag Archives: Cape Cod Birding

Laughing Gulls At Boat Meadow Salt Marsh On Cape Cod

I was walking home from the beach and had just crossed the bridge across the salt marsh when I heard some laughing. I looked out onto th marsh and it looked like there was a flock of Laughing Gulls  having a party,  flying in and out and just laughing.

Have you ever heard a Laughing Gull? Besides being funny, they are really a beautiful bird. I love their black heads. What do you think?

Little Baths For Little Birds On Cape Cod

We bought a small birdbath that sits on the ground for those birds (or chipmunks!) that would like a drink of water or a little bath without having to go to the big birdbath that is 3 feet off the ground. We can’t believe how popular it is!

The little birds love it… as do the Mourning Doves and Flickers! It seems like everyone stops by at some point for a drink or a dunk.

I saw these little Finches all splashing away. So cute, don’t you think?

Baby Bluebirds Outside Our Bedroom Window On Cape Cod

We bought another birdhouse for the summer, hoping that a Bluebird would settle in right outside our bedroom window. We had a few “lookers” but a Chickadee finally moved in, had their babies and then left. We thought that was it. We had Bluebirds in 2 of our other 3 birdhouses, but this one was special. We could sit on our bed and watch the little ones in the house. Oh well, maybe next summer.


Then, about 3 weeks ago two morer Bluebirds started checking out this birdhouse. We thought they were done. But Stephanie, the  Executive Director of Wild Care on Cape Cod, assured us that sometimes Bluebirds have 2 clutches, so maybe they were going to stay.

Well, they did and we have been treated to daily treats of watching them build their nest and then feeding and raising their young. We fill our bird feeders with dried mealworms at least 3 times a day so they can feed their 3 little chicks and are they cute! I am amazed at how hard the parents work to feed their young almost hourly.

It has been a beautiful summer treat to watch these little ones grow. I can’t wait to see them at the feeders themselves!