Beautiful New Bench At Nickerson State Park On Cape Cod.

There is a beautiful new bench where a few of the trails intersect  by Heartbreak Hill in Nickerson State Park in Brewster. It was built and installed by the New England Mountain Bike Association.  (Click on blog link for other photo.)

Nickerson has many trails that are accessible to both hikers and mountain bikers, so don’t be surprised if you happen to see some along the way. Or sit for a minute and relax while you enjoy those wonderful trails.

One thought on “Beautiful New Bench At Nickerson State Park On Cape Cod.”

  1. In addition to sitting down during the day:

    “I often lay on that bench looking up into the tree, past the trunk and up into the branches. It was particularly fine at night with the stars above the tree.”
    ― Georgia O’Keeffe,covered%20with%20the%20autumn%20leaves!&text=Always%20find%20a%20time%20to,to%20think%20the%20dying%20leaves!&text=Vacate%20the%20bench%20of%20rest,on%20marching%3B%20no%20more%20benching!

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