Category Archives: Cape Cod Trails

Do You Know What Lives In A Stone Wall On Cape Cod?

I hike by stones walls on the Cape all the time and think what a great photo they make. And I wonder how long they’ve been there and who built them?

But I never really thought about what lives in them until I posted a blog on Fort Hill a couple of weeks ago and my friend, Linda commented:

“While a single pile of rocks might attract a few chipmunks or white-footed mice, imagine that rodent-friendly habitat chained together for miles. Then think about the minks and snakes, the foxes and owls that prey on those rodents and you see how the effect is multiplied up the food chain. Stone walls can, literally, make our landscape come alive.”

Thank you, Linda, for opening up my eyes! It’s is really cool to think about what little creatures might live in these old stone walls.

The Wind Finally Died Down For A Beautiful Walk At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

Yesterday was first day in a long time where the wind wasn’t howling. We decided to take advantage of the calmer weather and take a nice morning walk at Fort Hill. It was just gorgeous with those beautiful clouds in the sky! (Click on blog link for other photo. )

Then I decided to edit the photo with a more dramatic tone. What do you think? Which one do you like better?

The Fork On the Nauset Marsh Trail On Cape Cod.

After the snow over the weekend, it was a beautiful day for a hike on the Nauset Marsh Trail. There were a few footprints in the snow, but not too many.

As you round the first bend by the Salt Pond, you can see that the tide was pretty high. Make sure you go left and up at the fork or you’ll need your high rubber boots to get through the water on the trail. It was higher than I’ve ever seen it. Wow!