Tag Archives: Surfing

Surf’s Up On Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod!

Saturday was a gorgeous day at Coast Guard Beach. The sun was out and the temps were somewhat warm, in the 50s. The waves were perfect for the surfers who braved the cold waters to have a bit of fun. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

I loved the 2nd photo; it is a classic!

And the last photo was the two of them surfing near each other. Great entertainment for the surfers and all of the onlookers.

Lots Of Paddle-Surfers Yesterday At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod!

What a glorious spring day yesterday was at Coast Guard Beach! The weather was a balmy 43 degrees with a light breeze and sunny, sunny skies. We counted 18 paddle-surfers in the water looking for that perfect wave.

It’s the first day that we’ve been to Coast Guard Beach in over a month because of freezing temps and high winds. It was perfect and I’m sure the paddle-surfers thought so too. The waves were big and noisy and fun to ride. Perfect for the first day of spring.

Paddle Surfing On Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod!

Yesterday was a glorious day on Cape Cod! It was sunny and warm and the waves were cranking. Summer is still with us!

There were a few surfers trying to catch a wave at Coast Guard Beach but this paddle surfer caught one when I was there.

Enjoy this gorgeous weather… for a while longer!