Tag Archives: Coast Guard Beach

The Other Boardwalk To Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod.

If you’re walking to Coast Guard Beach, there’s another little “off-trail” you can take which gives you beautiful views of Nauset Marsh and the back of Coast Guard Station. There is a very pretty little boardwalk (before you get to “the” boardwalk) that you hike across that is adorned with very pretty, bright red Winterberries in the fall and winter.

You can see the trail where the X is on the AllTrails map. Have you ever hiked this little boardwalk?

The Dunes At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod Are Getting Bigger!


It always amazes me how tall the dunes are getting on Coast Guard Beach as Mother Nature does her work.  You can see the snow fence high on the dune in the photo. This was the path to the beach just a few years ago. Look at it now. Wow!

Lots Of Surfers At Coast Guard Beach Yesterday On Cape Cod.

Yesterday was one of those glorious winter days with temps in the high 40s and sunny, blue skies. Anticipating the arctic weather that is supposedly coming this weekend, we thought it would be a perfect morning for a walk on Coast Guard Beach. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

It was only about 8:30 when we got to the parking lot and we couldn’t understand why it was almost full. When we got to the beach it all made sense. There were surfers everywhere!

We had fun taking photos and videos of the surfers and paddle boarders enjoying the beautiful weather. Just a perfect day and they all had smiles on their faces!