Tag Archives: LeCount Hollow Beach

It’s Been Windy Here On Cape Cod!

We took a ride up to LeCount Hollow Beach in Wellfleet yesterday morning and the winds were 30+ mph. You couldn’t even get out of the car because the sand was blowing so hard.

But the waves were just gorgeous and huge! I took this photograph from inside my car looking down from the top of the dune.

Sunday Surfing At LeCount Hollow On Cape Cod.

We had so much fun watching the surfers catch those big waves on Saturday that we headed back up to LeCount Hollow on Sunday and it was packed! (Click on blog link for other photo.)

There were so many surfers in the water with a huge crowd on top of the dunes watching them. The waves were even bigger than on Saturday. What a great morning!




Huge Waves Yesterday At LeCount Hollow Beach On Cape Cod!

With a large storm off the coast and a Small Craft Warning, the waves were huge and the surfers were out en masse yesterday at Lecount Hollow in Wellfleet! (Click on blog link for other photo.)

It was so much fun to stand on top of the dunes and watch them far below battling those gigantic waves! #lecounthollow #surfing #wellfleet