Category Archives: Cape Cod Wildflowers

The Spotted Wintergreen Wildflowers Are Spectacular Here On Cape Cod.

The Spotted Wintergreen wildflowers are blooming and so pretty here on Cape Cod. They are such an interesting wildflower as they face downward while they bud and bloom and then they face up to the sun when they have finished blooming.

They grow in the woods and bloom during July and August, so you still have plenty of time to find them.

Have you ever seen a Spotted Wintergreen wildflower? We have so many in our yard this year!

Pretty Yellow Celandine Wildflowers Are Blooming On Cape Cod.

The bright yellow Celandine wildflowers are blooming all along the trails on Cape Cod. These are a small, 4-petal flower with very prominent pistil and stamens.

Pretty wildflower, don’t you think? Celandine blooms from May to July, so you still have time to see them! I saw these along the trails at Fort Hill.

Pretty Deptford Pink Wildflowers Blooming At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

The tiny, hot pink Deptford Pink wildflowers are blooming all along the trails at Fort Hill. I’ve never seen so many!

One interesting fact that I learned while doing a bit of research: The name ‘Deptford Pink’ refers to the town of Deptford, England where the plant once grew in abundance.

Such a pretty, delicate wildflower… have you seen any yet this year?

The Milkweed Is Blooming At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

The Milkweed is blooming and everywhere at Fort Hill but where are the Monarch butterflies? I was so excited to see two of them a few weeks ago, but haveĀ  not seen any since. Hmmm…. Where did they go? (Click on blog link for other photos.)

Does anyone have any idea why there aren’t any Monarchs at Fort Hill?

Look at all of the Milkweed growing all through the fields at Fort Hill!