Tag Archives: Cape Cod Wildlife

Persistent Squirrel At Our Bird Feeders On Cape Cod

The squirrels just love to try and attack our bird feeders here on Cape Cod… and everywhere! They are eager for that easy handout. Well, we got smart and put up a baffle and they can no longer get to the food.

However, they try and try and try, over and over and over again. They can crawl way up in the baffle but it is closed at the top so they can’t get through. They are so funny! Such persistent little creatures!

What Animal Is This On Boat Meadow Marsh On Cape Cod?

As I was taking a walk to the beach the other day, I saw this very strange “thing” on the marsh. I’m sure the ice from the deep freeze we had a few weeks ago with all of the flooding helped this along. My imagination took over…

Doesn’t it look like a huge animal head coming out of the marsh? You can see the the big head with its mouth and ice tusks and its dark nose up on the left. Its eye is on the top of its head with its ears down to the right. I thought it was so cool.

What do you think? It’s amazing what your imagination can come up with if you let it go…!



Two Extremely Rare Lobsters At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod

The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary has two very rare lobsters in their tanks right now. The Orange Lobster is a rare variety of northern lobsters and grows to 44 lbs., making it the heaviest growing Crustacean in the world. Orange Lobsters occur only 1 in every 10 million lobsters.

The Calico Lobster is ever more rare with only 1 in 300 million lobsters.

The variations in their color are due to genetic mutations.

If you’re on Cape Cod, make sure you go to the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary and see these very cool lobsters!

Baby Terrapin Turtles At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod

The baby Terrapin turtles are hatching along the beaches and trails at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. You  can see the nests which have been marked in the photograph below with a cage to keep predators out. The blue tape lets the staff know that the incubation period is right around that time.

Staff at the sanctuary make 2 trips a day out to all of the nests to see if there are any hatchlings. The baby Terrapins cannot survive by themselves in the first hours of their life due to many factors which include  ants, maggots and dehydration from the sun.

After they have absorbed their yolk and regained their energy back at the sanctuary, they are then set free out by their nest. They do not need to eat for quite a while. They never seen their mothers again and will spend most of their life in the water.

The story of the Terrapin turtle is quite fascinating and so interesting to learn about!