Tag Archives: Cape Cod National Seashore

Where Liam’s Stood At Nauset Beach On Cape Cod

Liam’s at Nauset Beach was taken down last week because of the incredible beach erosion from the 3 Nor’easters we had this past winter. The water at high tide was up to its foundation.

Someone asked me to post a photograph of what it looks like now. There is now a huge pile of sand where Liam’s stood. I took this photograph from a little trail across the parking lot because 2/3s of the parking lot is still closed. They were continuously bringing in huge trucks full  of sand. You can see the bathrooms to the left. They seem to still be intact.

I did not get to walk on the beach but I will try to do that in the next few days and get a photograph from the water’s edge.  It looks so different…

Nauset Spit From Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

If you walk down Coast Guard Beach, you will come to Nauset Spit where the ocean empties into the salt marsh at high tide and the waters recede at low tide. It is where boats can navigate in and out of Orleans Cove by following the buoys. There is a huge swing from high tide to low tide.

I couldn’t decide if I like the horizontal or vertical photograph of Nauset Spit at low tide better. What do you think?

I took these photographs a couple of weeks ago before the Nor’easter. I wonder what it will look like when we can get back there again… It has been so cold and windy that we haven’t walked there yet.

The Latest On Liam’s At Nauset Beach On Cape Cod

We took a drive to Nauset Beach yesterday to see what was going and 2/3s of the parking lot was blocked off. You could see a large excavator loading what looked like black top from next to Liam’s into a dump truck. Liam’s was still there.  We’ll take a ride down there again today to see what progress has been made. You can also see the old septic tanks which they must have brought up from the beach.

In the 2nd photograph you can see they take brought in LOTS of sand where the gazebo stood last week.  You can also see how close it is to the parking lot. Wow!

It will be very interesting to see what the town does with the beach and surrounding area and also how much the beach changes before summer…

For those who do not know the history of Liam’s at Nauset Beach: Liam’s at Nauset Beach has been a popular summer restaurant for 63 years, originally known as Philbrick’s Snack Shack. Jon Ohman took it over in 1990 and renamed it Liam’s. It is now teetering over the edge of the ocean at high tide on Nauset Beach due to the many Nor’ easters that we’ve had this winter.

Race Point In Provincetown On Cape Cod Was Spectacular

We stopped the car at a little parking lot near Herring Cove in Provincetown just to see what was out there, and this was the view we were treated to… just spectacular! I love seeing Race Point in the distance with the fence in the foreground. And those clouds! Wow!

Gorgeous, don’t you think?

Coast Guard Beach, Part Of The National Seashore, On Cape Cod

It was low tide the other day when we went to Coast Guard Beach in Eastham. The fence and sign “No Beach Access” were not up so we could take a walk on the beach. It’s obvious that at high tide the beach is pretty much nonexistent. Maybe that will change by summer. There are also a lot of new sandbars where there we no sandbars before.

The dunes gotten eaten away as you can see in the photograph. That is Phil in the distance where the trail meets the beach. You can see the new sandbar on the right.

Pretty huge dunes, don’t you think?