Category Archives: Cape Cod Blog

Song Sparrow Welcomes Spring On Cape Cod!

This Song Sparrow was singing away high up in the tree as if he is welcoming spring and the warmer weather, hopefully to come soon. 🙂

We’ve had several Song Sparrows at our feeders the past few weeks. It is such a joy to wake up to their beautiful song outside our bedroom window.

Have you heard the Song Sparrow yet this spring?

Black And Gray Brant At Wellfleet Harbor On Cape Cod.

The Brant is a part of the geese family and can be seen on Cape cod during the winter months. This Brant was sauntering along the shore at Wellfleet Harbor.

It’s very distinguishable with its black head and belly and brown-grey upperparts. It has pale grey underparts. It’s easiest to identify by its broken collar pattern at its neck.

Have you ever seen a Brant?