Category Archives: Cape Cod Birding

Beautiful Ruby-Throated Hummingbird At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

We stopped at Fort Hill to see if there were any Monarch butterflies flitting about. I saw several of them by the Trumpet-Creeper wildflowers on the left side of the road going up to the overlook.

As I was clicking away, this female Ruby-throated Hummingbird landed on one of the branches only a few feet away. I only got 2 photos before it took off. What a treat!

Have you seen any hummingbirds this summer?

Baby Bluebird Taking A Bath At Our Bird Bath On Cape Cod.

This little Bluebird was so cute! He landed on the little bird bath and got a drink of water. Then he looked around for a bit before he waded in the water and decided to take a bath. So adorable! (Click on blog link for other photos.)

I wonder if it was his first bath?

He looked so proud of himself when he was all done!

Unusual Harlequin Duck At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod.

We were so surprised when we saw this Harlequin Duck on Coast Guard Beach the other day. It seemed happiest out of the water on the sand, but every time someone walked by on the beach, it would scoot back in the water. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

We had never seen a Harlequin Duck before. In looking at a map of its range, Harlequin Ducks are usually seen here more in the winter or in the early spring.

I loved this last photograph as it was trying to dry off and walk along the beach. Such a treat to see this duck but also hope that it gets where it is going soon!