Tag Archives: Cape Cod Birding

Beautiful Little House Finch At Our Home On Cape Cod.

House Finches do winter here on Cape Cod, but I haven’t seen them since last summer until… Two of them showed up at our bird feeder a couple of weeks ago. I loved this little one’s expression. Precious, isn’t it?
I thought I would post this photo in honor of my Dad. He would have been 100 years old today.  He taught me all about birds and instilled in me a love of birding when I was a little girl. I remember sitting on the patio and him saying, “There’s a Towhee!” You can hear his call, “Drink your tea!” It was the first bird call that I learned.
So, Happy 100th Birthday, Dad. Thank you for the gift of birding and love of nature. I miss you.

The Osprey Are Back On Cape Cod!

As I was taking a walk to the beach  a couple of days ago, I heard that familiar sound that reminds me so much of summer… the sound of the Osprey calling. I looked up and there it was, flying right over me. I only got one photograph and this is it!

We are so lucky that  there is an Osprey’s nest right on the salt marsh which is very close to our home. When I walked by yesterday, I could see one Osprey perched on the post by the nest. How exciting! It is so much fun to watch the babies grow and learn to fly!



The Piping Plovers Are Back On Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod!

Yesterday was a gorgeous day so we took an early morning walk on Coast Guard Beach. It was just beautiful. Just as we were about to reach the newly posted signs about the nesting Piping Plovers, I saw something scurry from the water up onto the beach.

There it was… our first Piping Plover of the season. What a treat! There were a pair of them there and, farther down the beach closer to Nauset Spit, there was another pair. It looked like they were scratching their nests, as Piping Plovers lay their eggs on a simple scrape in the sand on an open beach.

Our beautiful morning walk  turned into a  very special morning walk.