Tag Archives: Nauset Light Beach

Nauset Light Beach On Cape Cod Was Spectacular!

After many, many days of fog, rain wind, drizzle and lots of wind from Hurricane Jose, the skies cleared and Nauset Light Beach, part of the National Seashore, was spectacular! It was a warm day and there were a lot of people enjoying every second of it.

Phil and I were trying to figure out why there was so much traffic yesterday… maybe because it was a Sunday or maybe because everyone who has been stuck inside for over a week finally got outside to enjoy the gorgeous beaches on Cape Cod!

Glorious Day For A Bike Ride To Coast Guard Beach, Nauset Light And Nauset Light Beach On Cape Cod

Wednesday was a glorious day for a bike ride… anywhere on Cape Cod. It was sunny, breezy and beautiful with temperatures in the mid-sixties. Just perfect for a bike ride.

I got on the Cape Cod Bike Trail and headed out to Coast Guard Beach. I think it’s one of the prettiest rides around here. It was so nice that I continued out to Nauset Light Beach and Nauset Light. You couldn’t ask for a better day and I wondered when the next time I could do this would be with the colder weather coming.

So, this is my “selfie” at Coast Guard Beach with Nauset Marsh and the ocean in the background.

Huge Waves At Nauset Light Beach In Eastham On Cape Cod

We took a ride down to Nauset Light Beach yesterday to see the waves from the storm offshore. They were huge! And it was still low tide.

This photograph is from the top of the steps looking down from the dunes.

Pretty cool, huh?

Gorgeous Evening For A Walk on Nauset Light Beach In Eastham On Cape Cod

It was a spectacular evening to take a walk on Nauset Light Beach in Eastham on Cape Cod. The clouds were so pretty with a little breeze on the water. There were still q lot of people on the beach, some with picnic dinners to enjoy their waning summer days.

Have you ever been to Nauset Light Beach on Cape Cod?