Anadromous fish runs occur in rivers and streams that drain out of coastal ponds. These systems are used by migratory fish to feed and reproduce. These fish runs provide open and unblocked paths of travel for herring to reach their spawning habitat.
Herring spawn in these fresh water ponds and then live most of their lives in salt water, which is why it is essential to maintain these runs.
We stopped at one of the herring run rivers the other day and were surprised at the number of herring who were swimming upstream to get to the pond to spawn. You can see 4 herring that have just jumped up the little dam to get to the next resting place before they move on upstream again.
It was really fascinating to watch. Have you ever seen a herring run?
It’s official! We have moved in to our new home here in Eastham on Cape Cod. It is so exciting!
After many, many hours of unpacking boxes that were packed last June and putting things away, I decided to see how far it was to walk to Boat Meadows…. 9 1/2 minutes! Wow! I can do that any time. And not a bad view, huh?
Plus, there are benches to sit on to relax and just take in the gorgeous scenery.
I will post some photographs of our new home when we get it looking a little bit better. Lots of clutter everywhere, so a walk to the beach was the perfect medicine.
There are a lot of paddle surfers here on Cape Cod. It looks like so much fun. We were talking with a surfer who said it is a wonderful way for the older surfer to stay surfing longer. They can stand up and catch a wave instead of lying down and then jumping up.’
Makes sense, huh? I think it would be so much fun to try!
I was sitting on our deck the other day and could hear the waves crashing on the shore. Nauset Beach is about a mile and a half away from our rental home in Orleans. I couldn’t believe how loud they sounded.
So, I took a ride down to Nauset Beach and took some photographs. The waves were huge!
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.