Tag Archives: Featured

Brown-Headed Cowbirds Searching For Seed In Our Backyard On Cape Cod.

It was such a treat to see both the male and female Brown-headed Cowbirds in our yard searching for seed. I haven’t seen them since last summer.  You can see in the 2nd photograph how different the male and female look.

The male Brown-headed Cowbird is a small blackbird with a  glossy brown head, a thick bill, and dark eyes. Its black body has a slight green sheen. It walks on the ground foraging for food. The female is all brown with a thick bill, as you can see in the 2nd photograph.

Have you ever seen a Brown-headed Cowbird?


Chatham Light On Cape Cod Was Gorgeous!

Chatham Light is always a must when you visit Cape Cod. It is so beautiful as the flags wave in the wind. The waters across the way are where the USCG 36500 rescued the crew of the sinking Pendleton which had broken apart in rough, winter seas.

There are many lighthouses on Cape Cod, each one totally different. Next time you come to the Cape, see how many you can visit. You won’t be disappointed!

Skating On Our Birdbath On Cape Cod…Looking For A Drink Of Water!

We looked out the window the other morning and had to laugh. There was a squirrel walking around on the ice that had formed on our birdbath, looking for a drink of water.  Oh dear! We had put our birdbath heater away too soon!

We thought, perhaps, that spring was almost here and the nights would not freeze anymore, but we were sorely mistaken as you can see this squirrel skating on our birdbath!