Tag Archives: Cape Cod Bay

Beautiful Black And White Brants On Cape Cod.

I’ve seen quite a few Brants along the shores of Cape Cod Bay  recently. They are a small goose with a distinctive broken collar pattern on their necks, which makes them easy to identify.

Their diet consists mainly of eel grass found in the tidal flats which is why they usually feed in flocks at low tide when vegetation is accessible.

When doing a bit of research I found an interesting fact: Brants possess a highly developed salt gland which allows them to drink salt water.

Paddle Boarder Enjoying The Beautiful Weather On Cape Cod Bay.

I’ve seen this female paddle boarder, who always takes her dog with her, paddling along the shore of Cape Cod Bay many times. Her dog sits quietly  on the board, obviously enjoying the ride.

Last Saturday  was a gorgeous day on Cape Cod with temperatures around 50 and bright, sunny skies. It was the perfect day for paddle boarding with your dog and a wet suit.

Beautiful background, don’t you think? I loved the turquoise blue colors of the water and the sky…

No Kite Surfing Today At First Encounter Beach On Cape Cod.

It was a gorgeous, windy day so we thought we’d go back to First Encounter Beach and watch the kite surfers while we ate our picnic lunch in the car.  Wrong!

How funny! We had forgotten that the tide had changed just enough in those few days that it was dead low at lunchtime. So we sat and watched the people walking out on the flats… and then we took a walk too.

If you enlarge this photo, you can see the little specks of people walking way, way out there on the flats. Pretty cool!