Tag Archives: First Encounter Beach

What Are Those Orange Buoys At First Encounter Beach On Cape Cod?

I’ve always wondered what those orange buoys were for at First Encounter Beach. It just didn’t make sense to have these orange buoys so close to shore. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

And then we stopped there the other day and saw all of the tire tracks in the sand and it all made sense. Do you know what those buoys are for?

These orange buoys are like a road map that the trucks drive  through at low tide to reach their oyster beds way out in the flats. What an ingenious idea! You can see the orange buoys and tire tracks in all 3 of the images (if you look close enough),  and the tire tracks through the sand that leads out from the parking lot.



Last Day Of Summer On Cape Cod.

Today is the last day of summer for this year… time to put away the shacks and lifeguard stands until next year. I always love this photo of early morn by the shack at First Encounter Beach. It reminds me of summer before all the crowds arrive…. and then in the fall when they all go back home.