My Zinnias Are Still Blooming Here on Cape Cod

We haven’t had a freeze yet here on Cape Cod so my Zinnias are still blooming and gorgeous! I picked about 100 of them yesterday and put them in vases all around the house. They are so pretty and so colorful! And I know in a couple of weeks they will be gone…

Have you ever really looked at a Zinnia? This is looking down on it. The tiny yellow stamens  that circle the main flower are just exquisite!

Beautiful Red-Tailed Hawk At Boat Meadow On Cape Cod

I was taking a walk to Boat Meadow Beach the other day when this beautiful Red-tailed Hawk caught my eye way up in the tree. The sun was hitting it perfectly. He looked like he was looking for lunch in the marshlands.

He’s gorgeous, don’t you think?

Boat Meadow Beach In Eastham On Cape Cod At Low Tide

It was such a gorgeous fall day at the beach on Cape Cod. I loved this photograph of Boat Meadow Beach at dead  low tide.

It’s a ahsort walk from our home and such a treat every time we walk there. You never know what you are going to see and are always pleasantly surprised by the beauty!

Playful Seals At The Chatham Fish Pier On Cape Cod


It was fun to watch the seals at the Chatham Fish Pier on Cape Cod. They were stalking the fishing boats that had just come in, waiting for the crew to throw some of the fish overboard.


This first photograph is of this seal just lazing around on his back, having a grand old time. The second photograph is of the seals and the seagulls fighting to get those fish that the fishermen had just thrown overboard. It was like a fishing frenzy!

Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.