Category Archives: Cape Cod Blog

First Bath For This Norther Flicker On Cape Cod?

Two young Flickers landed on our bird bath a couple of weeks ago. They would hop around the outside and then take a little drink. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

And then, one of them decided to try and take a bath. It was just adorable watching him very carefully get in the water and then splash around.

I love watching the baby birds here on the Cape and all their “firsts.” It doesn’t get much cuter!

This Will Make You Smile On Cape Cod!

When you’re in that long line of traffic heading up to Provincetown and waiting to get through the light by Cumberlands Farms in Eastham, take a glance to you left. It is sure to make you smile!

How cute is that… maybe it will relieve some of that impatience that you might be feeling. And check out those gorgeous flowers!