Tag Archives: First Encounter Beach

First Encounter Beach Dunes On Cape Cod.

The dunes at First Encounter look like they’ve accumulated quite a bit of sand over the winter. I don’t remember them being this steep. It must have blown in with some of the storms. You can hardly see the fence post sticking out of the sand.

Do they look a little steeper to you too?

Kite Surfers At First Encounter Beach On Cape Cod.

Yesterday was very windy and and the kite surfers were brightening up the sky with their multi-colored kites by the salt marsh at First Encounter Beach. They were a sight to see!

It was fun just to watch their different moves as they sailed by each other. Did you get to see them yesterday?

First Encounter Beach Dune On Cape Cod… One Big Problem!

The sky behind the dunes at First Encounter Beach the other morning was just spectacular! I stopped to take a photograph but there was one big problem… I couldn’t get my shadow out of the photo!  (Click on blog for other photo.)

I tried stepping aside and got a photograph with just the dune but the sky in the background isn’t nearly as pretty as if you take the dune straight-on.