It was a beautiful morning at First Encounter Beach with the sun just starting to rise and the puffy clouds in the sky. It was such a pretty photo at low tide.
And then I got home and looked at my photo… whoops! I guess the sun was still low enough to make a loooong shadow!
The sun was just starting to come up at First Encounter Beach and the shack was still dark before the crowds would descend on the beach to get some respite on this hot summer’s day.
Every time I bike to First Encounter Beach, there is at least one Willet yakking away on the First Encounter sign. I always think of them as the Welcoming Committee! (Click on blog link for other photo.)
If you drive further down the road, you can see Willets on all on the fence posts along the road. Have you seen them there?
I love biking along Herring Brook Road and looking out toward First Encounter Beach. The dunes look so cool as they dot the horizon. And then you ride to the beach and they are so pretty. This was early in the morning… look at those clouds!