Tag Archives: Kite Surfing

When It’s Windy On Cape Cod, There’s Kite Surfers!

It was so much fun watching these kite surfers strutting their stuff out on Cape Cod Bay and the salt marsh behind First Encounter Beach. (Click on blog link for other  photos.)

Some of them were so high in the sky, I couldn’t get them and their kites in one frame.

So cool and so much fun to watch!

Kite Surfers At First Encounter Beach On Cape Cod.

Yesterday was very windy and and the kite surfers were brightening up the sky with their multi-colored kites by the salt marsh at First Encounter Beach. They were a sight to see!

It was fun just to watch their different moves as they sailed by each other. Did you get to see them yesterday?

Kite Surfing On The Salt Marsh On Cape Cod!

With extremely windy conditions lately, the kite surfers were out en force on the salt marsh by First Encounter Beach the other day. We counted 9 of them nearby. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

It was so much fun to watch them as they flew by and then did they acrobatics in the sky. Have you ever seen kite surfers?

How cool  is that? They’ve got to be really good to all kite surf in such a small area?

Great Kite-Surfing Weather On Cape Cod!

The wind has been ripping the past few days, making for great kite-surfing on Cape Cod Bay. First Encounter Beach has been a popular kite-surfing spot with 8-10 surfers enjoying the wind and the waves.

We stopped at Boat Meadow Beach yesterday and this kite-surfer came by. Very cool, don’t you think? Look at those waves and those gorgeous clouds!