Category Archives: Cape Cod Blog

Belted Kingfisher Looking For Lunch On Cape Cod.

It’s amazing what you can find if you just drive around a bit and stop at some of the “hot spots” looking for birds. We saw this Belted Kingfisher flying back and forth from pole to pole looking for that perfect fish in the water.

It was a bit far away, but I really liked the composition of the photograph. What do you think?


Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod Is Huge After The Winter Storms.

As the winter storms were gauging out the dunes by Coast Guard Station, the extra sand was being deposited down the beach toward Nauset Spit. I took this photograph at high tide where you can see the huge beach. Earlier this year you could not even walk down the beach at high tide as the water line was much, much higher.

Beautiful, don’t you think? I wonder what Mother Nature has in store for the rest of the winter months?