Category Archives: Cape Cod Wildflowers

Beautiful Orange Sulfur Butterfly At My Home On Cape Cod

This beautiful Orange Sulfur butterfly was flitting from Zinnia to Zinnia at my home here on Cape Cod. I have never seen one before.

Orange Sulfur butterflies are about 2″ in wingspan. They are overall yellow with bright orange and black wing borders- solid in males and broken in females. They have 1-2 red-ringed spots on their hindwings.


Have you ever seen an Orange Sulfur butterfly? Pretty, don’t you think?

Gorgeous Monarch Butterfly At Fort Hill On The National Seashore On Cape Cod

I took a hike at Fort Hill on the National Seashore just to look for wildflowers and butterflies. And boy, was I lucky! There were Monarch butterflies everywhere! I must have taken 200 photographs!


The Monarch butterfly’s wingspan is 3.5-4″  and orange with prominent black veins and borders. I loved all the polka dots on its body. They feed on milkweeds which abound at Fort Hill.

The Monarch butterfly is so well known that there are attempts underway to designate it as the national insect of the United States. That would be so cool!

Pretty Yellow Birdfoot Trefoil Wildflowers On Cape Cod

Yellow Birdfoot Trefoil wildflowers are growing al along the Cape Cod Bike Trail. They are so pretty.

Birdfoot Trefoil Has bright yellow irregularly shaped 1/2″ flowers in little clusters. The plant grows 6-18″ tall from June to September.

Check the side of the bike path if you’re riding or walking along. Maybe you can see a little Birdfoot Trefoil wildflower.

Pretty Little Copper Butterfly On the Daisy At My Home On Cape Cod

I haven’t seen very many butterflies this summer to photograph here on Cape Cod. There have been some very pretty ones but they never alight on a flower to take a picture.

Phil and I were talking the other day about  photographing these elusive butterflies. First you have to see a butterfly, then you have to follow it, then it has to land on something and then you have to be ready to take that quick photograph before it flies away again. Chances of all of these things going right are not that easy.

Thus…the elusive butterfly photograph.


This Little Copper butterfly landed on one of the Daisies in my yard and proceded take make a full circle on the flower. It was perfect. I got every angle imaginable. Only problem was, I only had my phone, not my camera. And my phone does not take a macro as well as my camera.

But…what do you think?




Beautiful Fuschia Saltspray Rose Wildflower On Cape Cod

The Wild Saltspray Rose is one of my favorite wildflowers. It reminds that it is summer and a ‘somewhat” carefree time of the year. We had a lot of Wild Roses on the beach where I grew up in Connecticut too.


After the Wild Rose blooms, the flower will turn into a huge reddish-orange berry known as a Rosehip. Many people will pick these berries and make jelly out of them.

Have you ever had Rosehip Jelly?