How Much Jelly Can A Robin Eat On Cape Cod?

We always put our jelly feeder with grape jelly out for the Baltimore Orioles and Catbirds this time of the year. But the past few days we have had this one Robin who has been eating nonstop, and the other birds were having a hard time getting their share. (Click on blog link for  other photos. )

So Phil decided that we were going to declare “War on the Robins” and only put out a little bit of jelly in our smaller feeder. Then maybe everyone would get their fair share and the Robin wouldn’t be so piggy. I never knew that Robins would even eat jelly.

And then he looked up in the tree and there was this little baby Robin looking down at him waiting for mom to bring him some jelly. Well, that was the end of that war and the big feeder full of jelly is back out and they can eat what they want.

Such a cute little thing!

Beautiful Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly In Our Yard On Cape Cod.

This beautiful Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly has been flitting around our yard for days. It always flies so high up in the trees and never lands on anything. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

And then, just as I walked out the door to feed the Bluebirds, he flew to the top of my little Dogwood tree where he stayed for quite a while.

You can see how different they are when their wings are folded. Have you seen any Tiger Swallowtails yet this spring? Beautiful butterfly… love those blue spots!

Happy Memorial Day And Thank You From Cape Cod!

This is the perfect commemoration of Memorial Day with the American flag made of clam shells from Cape Cod beaches… painted red, white and blue.

There is a little sign nearby that says that this flag has been there since 1976 which is 47 years. Wow! It always looks like it is brand new.

Happy Memorial Day to you all and especially those who have served in the U.S. military!  This is your special day.

Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.