The Beginning Of Their Journey On Cape Cod.

“Every spring, adults make their way from offshore waters into coastal estuaries from New England through the Carolinas. Hard-wired to advance upstream to spawn, river herring run up freshwater rivers, launching through rapids and over rocks, funneling by the thousands into smaller and smaller streams.”

This is the beginning of one of the runs from Cape Cod Bay to Great Pond and Herring Pond. You can see the Herring making their way to the smaller streams and then into the lakes to spawn. It is so amazing to watch them jump over the rapids or barriers to make their way upstream.

The Kayak Racks Are Back At Hemenway Landing On Cape Cod.

You know it’s almost summer when they put the kayak/canoe racks back out at Hemenway Landing. Pretty soon they will be filled with lots of colorful kayaks and canoes waiting to be taken for a ride by excited boaters! Such fun and such a beautiful place to go for a paddle.

The Osprey Are Moving In On Cape Cod!

It looks like the Osprey are back and intent on building their home on top of this light pole. They had a nest there last year and raised a couple of young chicks. It’s so much fun to watch the Osprey as they build their gorgeous nests high above the commotion on the ground below. Such beautiful birds… and always a welcome sign in the spring!

Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.