Category Archives: Cape Cod Beaches

So Many Kite Surfers On Cape Cod Bay.

I looked out across the salt marsh and saw about 20-25 kite-surfers in the distance. They were kite-surfing off of First Encounter Beach, a favorite place to start from. It looks like they are mostly on the salt marsh.

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen this many at one time. Pretty cool, huh?

Interesting Seaweed On Cape Cod Bay Beaches.

I have seen so many of these interesting bits of seaweed on the beaches on Cape Cod Bay recently. There is a big clump of seaweed attached to some shells which sometimes are all stuck together. Sometimes there might also be a rock attached. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

I thought they were pretty interesting. What do you think?

Lots Of Erosion At First Encounter Beach On Cape Cod Bay.

We’ve noticed a lot of trucks bringing truckloads of huge boulders to First Encounter Beach in the past few weeks, so we thought we’d go investigate. They must be getting ready for the winter storms and the high tides. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

You can see in the first photograph where the dunes are being washed away and where the rocks are being placed to help delay the erosion. What an effort!

The 2nd photograph shows a few of the houses and just how close they are to the edge of the dunes. I sure hope those boulders hold up to Mother Nature. You look at those houses and think… What an incredible view!