Category Archives: Cape Cod Photography

High Winds And Big Waves At Nauset Light Beach On Cape Cod!

Yesterday was incredibly windy here on Cape Cod. It was the kind of day when you take a walk down to the beach but you don’t want to stay too long as the sand is blowing right in your face. I took this photo at Nauset Light Beach in the morning.

So pretty with the waves, don’t you think?


Lots Of Cabbage White Butterflies On Cape Cod.

I saw so many these Cabbage White butterflies flitting all around the meadows during the summer. It always seems that at the beginning of the summer, they never stop so I never get a decent photograph. But, toward the end of the summer I find them alighting on a bush or flower and I am able to get a photo. They must be tired!

You can tell that this is a female because she only has one black spot on her wings. Have you seen a lot of Cabbage White butterflies too?

Still Kayakers On Nauset Marsh On Cape Cod.

It has been a glorious week here on Cape Cod with sunny skies and warm temperatures.  We weren’t surprised when we saw these kayakers enjoying a paddle around Nauset Marsh yesterday.

What  gorgeous view! It doesn’t get much prettier…