The Spotted Wintergreen Wildflowers Are Spectacular Here On Cape Cod.

The Spotted Wintergreen wildflowers are blooming and so pretty here on Cape Cod. They are such an interesting wildflower as they face downward while they bud and bloom and then they face up to the sun when they have finished blooming.

They grow in the woods and bloom during July and August, so you still have plenty of time to find them.

Have you ever seen a Spotted Wintergreen wildflower? We have so many in our yard this year!

Three Hungry Northern Flicker Chicks Waiting Patiently At Our Home On Cape Cod.

Last night was quite a scene in our backyard with 3 Northern Flicker chicks wanting to get fed. They were all perched on top of our feeders while Dad would get some suet and then fly up and feed one at a time. It was just precious.

Have you ever seen anything so adorable?

Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.