Tag Archives: Cape Cod Wildlife

Cute Little Squirrel On Our Deck On Cape Cod


I keep finding little piles of roses “gone by” on our deck here on Cape Cod. They look almost like a Rosehip but much smaller. And there are always a few little piles strewn about.

So I scouted the other morning and found this little squirrel grabbing a little rose from the bush and jumping on the deck to savor his feast. He did this numerous times and would always feast in a different spot.

Cute little guy, don’t you think?

Box Turtle In Our Yard Here On Cape Cod

I haven’t seen a Box Turtle in our yard since the very beginning of summer. Yesterday this Box Turtle sauntered all the way across our back yard into the woods. I wonder if he was looking for a place to hibernate for the winter.

Prior to hibernation, box turtles tend to move further into the woods, where they dig a chamber for overwintering. Eastern box turtles hibernate at depth of about 10 centimeters and frequently stay within .5 from their summer habitat.

Cute Little Bunny On The Trail At Fort Hill In Eastham On Cape Cod

This cut, little baby bunny was just munching away along on the trail at Fort Hill on Cape Cod. I did not faze him at all. He would look at me and munch away. I was so close that I had to step back to get a good photograph.


After he finished eating, he lay down on the trail to take a nap while I clicked away.

So cute, don’t you think?

Island Of Seals Off Of Coast Guard Beach In Eastham On Cape Cod

We took a walk on Coast Guard Beach in Eastham down to Nauset Spit and saw what was a huge “island of seals” not far off of the beach. There were hundreds of them. We had seen a few seals here and there along the coast but never this many. No wonder the Great White Sharks like to come nearby waters to feast.


There must be  a sandbar where they all congregate. It was low tide when we took our walk…I wonder if they are still there at high tide?