Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Windy Weather Brings Hang Gliders And Para Gliders To White Crest Beach On Cape Cod.

The past few days have been so windy that we decided to take a drive to Wellfleet and see if there were any good photo ops. When we got to White Crest, we were pleasantly surprised. There was a hang glider setting up in the corner of the parking lot and a handful of para gliders getting their gear ready. (Click on blog link to see other photo.)

It was a gorgeous day for any windy sport and we just happened to be there. It was so much fun watching them take off and then do all of their maneuvers. They were very experienced!

So cool, don’t you think?

My Japanese Anemone Is Still Blooming On Cape Cod And Is Gorgeous!

I was looking for a perennial that bloomed in late summer so that I would still have some color in my yard come late August and September, when I found this Japanese Anemone. What a find!

Japanese Anemone blooms in late August and is still in full bloom in my yard. It is gorgeous with its bright pink flowers with yellow pistils and stamens. Not only is it growing, but it is multiplying with many new smaller shoots nearby.

I remember last year that when the flowers start to seed, they are just as pretty as when they are blooming. I’ll have to post another photo when they are going to seed.

Have you ever seen a Japanese Anemone?

Gorgeous Great Blue Heron High In The Tree At Rock Harbor On Cape Cod.

I usually see this Great Blue Heron way up high in the tree at Rock Harbor when I’m out biking early in the morning, but I never have my camera with me. (Click on blog link to see other photos.)

The other day we were having a picnic breakfast at Rock Harbor when I looked up in the tree and there he was… about 30′ up! And I had my camera right there.

Love the first photo where he is calling out with his croaking sound. The 2nd one shows him scratching his neck with those long toes! And the last one shows you how high he was up in the tree.

Beautiful bird, don’t you think?