Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Wiley Park In Eastham On Cape Cod After A Light Snow

Wiley Park in Eastham is such a pretty place to take a hike… any time of the year. We were there a few days ago after we had gotten about 6″ of light, fluffy snow.

And then… the storm hit and we ended up with about 18-20″. Unbelievable! It was way over our knees just walking around our yard.

Such a pretty photograph with the white snow-covered trees and the blue sky. What do you think?

Nauset Beach In Orleans On Cape Cod After The Heavy Snow

Sunday was a gorgeous day at Nauset Beach on Cape Cod after the heavy snow on Saturday. It was sunny and cold and very windy… a perfect day for a walk on the beach!

There were only a handful of people there on such a gorgeous day.

Pretty, don’t you think?


A Surfer And ?? At Nauset Beach In Orleans On Cape Cod

I took this photograph of this surfer yesterday at Nauset Beach in Orleans on Cape Cod. It was bitterly cold ( in the 20s and very windy) so I did not get a good one of him standing up, just sitting… waiting for that perfect wave.

When I got home and was looking at my photographs, I saw something in the water to the left of the surfer. It looks like a huge fish! Could it be a shark? What other kind of large fish would be in these cold waters this time of year?

Or… does anyone have any other ideas as to what it could be?

The Calm Before The Winter Storm On Cape Cod

We are expecting a “winter storm” today so I took a walk to the beach yesterday afternoon to see if there were any good photographs. I was pleasantly surprised.

I took this photograph of the storm brewing on Cape Cod Bay but I used 2 different settings on my app. The first one is a little more dramatic… but I think I like it.

Which one do you like better?