Wiley Park On Cape Cod After The Blizzard

There were a lot of downed trees at Wiley Park in Eastham on Cape Cod after the blizzard. Hiking over the bridge that separates the two kettle ponds, you can see one of the trees that is leaning pretty precariously. We couldn’t take our favorite hike as there were too many trees blocking the trail.

I couldn’t decide which photograph I like better… color or black and white. What do you think?

Hiking Wiley Park On Cape Cod After The Blizzard

We had to pick and choose our trails at Wiley Park this week with all of the downed trees. Many of them were blocking the trail. The winds were in excess of 65mph and many of the huge old Eastern White Pine trees fell.

Phil took this photograph of me hiking on one of the trails that we could maneuver at Wiley Park. The snow was so pretty…


Our Bird Feeders Were Packed Full During The Blizzard On Cape Cod

There was a waiting line at our bird feeders during the blizzard this past weekend. I’ve never seen so many hungry birds! You would think that they would hunker down and stay deep in the trees, but they were much more inclined to sit on the bird feeders for hours braving the snow and 60 mph winds!

The first photograph is of one of the feeders filled with Goldfinches. The second one is of our friendly Red-Bellied Woodpecker waiting on the tree as he scouts a place to feed on the suet. And the last photograph is of a variety of birds looking for the leftover seeds in the snow.

Boy, are they brave little birds! It was quite a storm… we lost two 80+ foot Eastern White Pine trees. What a sound they made when they came down!

Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.