Tag Archives: Cape Cod National Seashore

Beech Forest Trail In Provincetown On Cape Cod.

The Beech Forest Trail,  part of the National Seashore,  is a wonderful trail to hike any time of the year. There is always something to see and the trail is wide enough so you don’t have to worry about poison ivy and ticks in the summer. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

You walk around a good-sized pond with another pond off the trail. There’s a boardwalk to meander on that you can see in the 3rd photo.

Most of the trail is sand with the dunes nearby.

Have you ever hiked the Beech Forest Trail? Well worth the hike as you never know what you will see… birds, wildflowers, wildlife, butterflies. Its different each time!


Chatty Catbirds Are Here On Cape Cod!

I always love it when the Catbirds come back to the Cape for the summer. Everywhere you go, you can here them chattering away. And they are so friendly, you can get pretty close to them.

This guy was singing away up in the tree on the Nauset Marsh Trail. I loved the coloring. What do you think?

Fort Hill Trails On Cape Cod Are Just Gorgeous!

The Wild Roses are blooming all along the trails at Fort Hill. I loved this photograph of the trail overlooking Nauset Marsh with the tall cattails waving in the breeze and the pretty pink roses.

What do you think?

Pretty, Little White Lesser Stitchwort Wildflowers At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

The Lesser Stitchwort wildflowers are blooming and just gorgeous. I saw them the other day along the trails at Fort Hill. They have pretty star-like flowers which are tiny, only 15-18mm across. It’s very hard to miss them, if you are not looking.

So pretty, don’t you think? I love the pink anthers!