Tag Archives: Cape Cod Bay

Horseshoe Crabs In Cape Cod Bay

I took a walk along the beach the other day at high tide and there were Horseshoe Crabs everywhere! I counted 55 in one little area. I contacted the expert at the Massachusetts Wildlife Sanctuary in Wellfleet to tell him what I had seen. He said that with the warmer weather now, the Horseshoe Crabs will be very active.

Did you know that Horseshoe crabs are an ancient group of arthropods whose bodies are encased in a hard, oval shell? They have a long, rigid tail and five pairs of legs that they use for crawling, swimming, and gathering food.

It was really quite a site to see!

Coyote Looking For Breakfast On The Salt Marsh On Cape Cod

We were driving across the salt marsh early the other day when I saw this coyote out hunting for breakfast. I had never seen a coyote on Cape Cod and this one was just a little ways from our home.


He was way out on the salt marsh as he prowled about.  You can see how he is pouncing as he finds something that looked interesting in the grasses.

Cool photo, don’t you think?

Willett Searching For Food At Boat Meadow In Eastham On Cape Cod

I feel like I hit the jackpot yesterday when I went for a walk to Boat Meadow on Cape Cod. Thank goodness I had my camera. There were so many different birds!


It was almost high tide when this Willett was searching for food in the seagrass on the shore. It looks like he got a nice crab for lunch!

Willetts stand about 15″ tall with a wing span of 26.” When they fly,  the ends of their wings are black with a wide white stripe down the middle. Very pretty…