Tag Archives: High Tides

Very High Tides At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod.

The tides on Cape Cod have been exceptionally high lately. They were really high the other day at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary.

If you hike out on the Goose Pond Trail, there are markers that were placed there a few years ago to show people what climate change might look like if the ocean waters rise. You pass these on the way out to the beach.

We were so surprised to see how high the water was the other day when we were hiking there.  It was gushing through the culvert at Goose Pond, filling up the pond, and you could see it rising along the trail on the way out to the beach. It was about an hour until high tide and the water was already up to the 2050 marker. We’ve never seen it that high; have you?